About us
We are a multidisciplinary team that applies our knowledge and experience to our client’s challenges in a collaborative way that creates mechanisms for achieving sustainability and resilience in their business or lifestyles.
We create structure and facilitate collaboration
Located in Mexico City, one of the world’s archetypal urban centers and a gateway to Latin America, Parkata RSR is uniquely placed to lead change in the field of sustainable development and eco-innovation.
our Mission
Creating a new economy based on sustainability, resilience, and ecopreneurship.
The world needs a new way of doing business. Current business practices are inadequate at dealing with the complexities of emerging megatrends (climate change, urbanization, etc.). We use systems thinking to create new business models and ecosystems, to then form frameworks for a new sustainable and resilient (S+R) future.
We work with governments, NGOs, and institutions to disrupt the status quo and create new policies, methodologies, and business thinking that shift the focus from linear to circular and sustainable economies.
We do the analysis, planning, implementing and testing necessary to incubate innovations that can be scaled up to world-changing models of S+R solutions. Our end game is empowering individuals and organizations to create resilient local solutions to global problems.
Think Tank - We join forces with experts across academia, industry, eco-technology and beyond to identify systemic connections, problems, gaps, solutions and road-maps for holistic S+R policies and actions. From permaculture, bio-construction and sustainable sanitation to employment, investment and education.
Advisory Services - We provide engineered systemic solutions to our clients' sustainability needs. We go beyond planning, as our holistic approach means that our work is participatory and we partner up with our clients to analyze, co-design and co-build the solutions we propose.
Community Building - We create spaces for the free flow and exchange of ideas and construct ecosystems to promote collaboration and innovation between ecopreneurs, investors, thinkers, and doers. These thinking-labs socialize S+R as methodologies for changing economic models and empower individuals to develop and take action.
We are passionate about structure. We use systems thinking and process analysis to map ecosystems and create new pathways by facilitating interdisciplinary team-work to take innovative actions while achieving value to their triple bottom line.
Our systemic approach allows us to find new value chains, identify new customers, and attract new investors and partners. We increase the value of assets through change management and integration of engineering solutions.
Interdisciplinary analysis of systems allows us to find intersections between seemingly unrelated threads that lead to desirable outcomes.
S+R is about maintaining balance in complex systems. Understanding these systems requires interdisciplinary expertise and a holistic methodology for identifying and managing multilateral connections between stewards, stakeholders and assets.
Our methodology is based on 5 pillars:
Systems Thinking - Seeing the big picture and understanding the underlying connections that affect process outcomes.
Game-Changing Ideas - Thinking outside of the box in no longer enough, we recycle the box and reverse engineer epic visions to make them a reality.
Collaborations - Ideas and dreams die in a vacuum. We join forces with visionaries and pioneers of sustainable economies to bring about change.
Taking Action - Concepts are nice but turning ideas and making them tangible is what makes the difference. We lead by example.
Empowering Visionaries - We want everyone to be as awesome as us, so we work to encourage ecopreneurs to dream big and take bold steps to lead the sustainability revolution.
We put our money where our mouth is! The ecosystem that we are building is the application of our philosophy and the culmination of our work. We have three major ventures: promoting sustainability+resilience, empowering ecopreneurs, and creating value from S+R initiatives.
Blue Drinks CDMX - Is our network of the ecopreneurial ecosystem in Mexico City (CDMX), where we facilitate regular events to promote ecopreneurship, innovation, and S+R. Blue Drinks is an S+R professional hub in CDMX and is a point of convergence for many organizations, institutions and individuals to interact around the common interest of eco business development.
SuLAB - Our Sustainability Laboratory, is a space for ecopreneurs to incubate their ideas and work closely with experts and other S+R initiatives in an environment that fosters collaboration, innovation and above all creativity. We are currently working with a small group of ecopreneurs and are in the process of expanding our operation to have a greater impact on our community.
SuINST - The Sustainability Institute is a centre for education and investigation that provides the necessary tools to educate and empower future ecopreneurs.
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